Ooh,of course, NOBODYs perfect! its not actualy me being perfect ;p but its all about how i want to do everythings perfectly! i mean, every single bloody things! actually i did realized this since i was 6 or 7 years old, i was attended of a drawings competition, aint no good with drawing,i reckon..but those day, i drew everyting pefectly! even a tiny litle thing like a line! in the end of the competition i only finished a half of my task, not much, but amazingly i felt so statisfied back there.
and so on for another example, when i have to wrote down the teachers note on the board.. i spent the last 30 minutes just to wrote my "beautiful" title, i used coloured pencil, glittered ballpoint or even crayon! weird,is it not? and the funniest part is, if i make a one singel litle unimportant thing which people will never ever recognize it, like my "i" is too wobbly (for me), i cut and destroyed everything that i wrote and throw it to the rubbish spin.. aand start everything over, blimey!
nowadays i know, that people like me usually called perfectionism.. they said perfectionism can be a healthy quality that drives a person to try his/her best and to make the effort to excel. Some people, however, take the strive for perfection too far,and there is a price to pay..
and, to whom may take this perfection thingy too far,some expert called them, Extreme perfectionists.
okay, i am not, or hopefully i am not, an extreme perfectionists..so, to prove it, i took some test "how perfectionis you are", and i got 65 of 100 max scores! mind you, if 100 is the extreme perfectionis, theres nothing to be worried of my 65 scores,right? woehehehe
anywaay.. i do have another things to prove that i am not an extreme perfectionis.. i do love somebody and they said, nobodys perfect,right? so i am in love with some one imperfect! yuhuuu.. im not that extreme but, i think, i love him, perfectly..woehehehehehe
and so on for another example, when i have to wrote down the teachers note on the board.. i spent the last 30 minutes just to wrote my "beautiful" title, i used coloured pencil, glittered ballpoint or even crayon! weird,is it not? and the funniest part is, if i make a one singel litle unimportant thing which people will never ever recognize it, like my "i" is too wobbly (for me), i cut and destroyed everything that i wrote and throw it to the rubbish spin.. aand start everything over, blimey!
nowadays i know, that people like me usually called perfectionism.. they said perfectionism can be a healthy quality that drives a person to try his/her best and to make the effort to excel. Some people, however, take the strive for perfection too far,and there is a price to pay..
and, to whom may take this perfection thingy too far,some expert called them, Extreme perfectionists.
okay, i am not, or hopefully i am not, an extreme perfectionists..so, to prove it, i took some test "how perfectionis you are", and i got 65 of 100 max scores! mind you, if 100 is the extreme perfectionis, theres nothing to be worried of my 65 scores,right? woehehehe
anywaay.. i do have another things to prove that i am not an extreme perfectionis.. i do love somebody and they said, nobodys perfect,right? so i am in love with some one imperfect! yuhuuu.. im not that extreme but, i think, i love him, perfectly..woehehehehehe
by the way.. to mr. Nugraha :

ya ampun sari..gaya penulisanmu mengingatkanku pada seorang penulis asal London..hmh..so familiar.. :)
AntwortenLöschenkalo aku, hmh..beda banget malah sama kamu..hehehe..aku gak suka sesuatu yang teratur or "sempurna", i'm rather kind of person who loves to doodle out of line. hehehe..jadi aku gak pernah stress kalo lagi nulis, trus ada yang hurufnya wobble or whatsoeverthing, malah kalo ada yang salah2 suka aku sengaja coret2 trus jadi rame deh kertasnya penuh dengan "noda" pembelajaranku..hehehehee...
hehe iya nih ci, aneh bin ajaib aku jg.. makanya begitu aku ikut volessung sini jadi bingung sendiri..boro2 judul warna warni, nulis judulnya aja kadang ga sempet.. ;p