whoa, back up a minute.. you wanna know what loser is?

Loser is someone who afraid of not winning, and they dont even try... now we are trying,right?!

Freitag, 27. Februar 2009

10 facts about HOLIDAY!

Finally............. keupdate jg lah blog ini, since i am (literally) in Holiday, so this are 10 things i do in holiday:

1. GET UP up 11 in the morning.
eh itu udh ga pagi lagi yaa? woeheehe,jangan aneh? karenaa itu smua berhubungan dengan my-number-two-things-to-do in holiday! ;p

2. always SLEEP at 2 a.m. or maybe 3.
well,well, i know, this isnt good at all...but there is no point of going bed early either,right? woehehe

3. WATCH some serial movie.
yeaaah, this holiday is time for LOST season 5! ahaha, dont bother, just watch it!

4. CUT hair time!
The whole holiday thing wont complete if i didnt do this ;) i just cut my hair 2 days ago.. not much but its compulsory ;p

Dont know,if that come to a long holiday like this, i am soo into horror movies, i watched quarantine, one miss called, the decent, pulse and so many more lately...

6. time to MAKE some RECIPE.
hehe, ga tau kenapa..bawaannya jadi pengen bereksperimen! kalo biasanya gw bereksperimen di lab,dengan senyawa2 kimiaa...di liburan ini saatnya bereksperimen dengan tepung terigu, mentega, coklat, kacang dan backing soda.. ;)

"Dug dag dug dag! bitte musik nicht zu laut!" kira2 artinya "woy jangan berisik dong!" hhe, datanglah tetangga saya,ngomel! ya iyalah.. gimana ga ngomel, kalo nyetel lagu normal keras2 mungkin mereka happy2 aja... but since our kaleng rombeng sound is always in the air lately....sewot sepertinya mereka..hehehe ;p bodo! mau pindah ini.. eins zwei drei, you can dance you can jive having the time of your life uu uuu uu... hehe ;P

8. TIDYING room pleaase...
Ya,ayo beres2.. mumpung ada waktuu, tar pas kuliah lagi boro2.. orang pulang kerumah tinggal capenya doang.. hho

9. relight my fire!
saatnya macar! (halah) hehe..eh eh tapi bnr kok kata orang kwalitas itu lebih penting daripada kuantitas... X)

Aaand the last thing i (should) do in this holiday is:

10. KERJA.
do i need any futher information? kerja! demi masa depan..hehe

so guys, if your now in germany and also IN holiday... ich wuenche euch viel spaß,gel? ingeet.. bulan dpan udah smster baru...woeehehhehe

1 Kommentar:

  1. enaknya yang holiday!! aku bingung nih, besok pindahan wü tapi belum beres2 barang..hahahaha..

    so, i wish u have a great holiday!!

